Scaminox produces open kitchens on the basis of the clients’ projects or technical drawings. Our kitchens, made of Inox steel can be customized with panels made of other materials or with varnished components such as small doors and other parts.
In this way it becomes possible to produce classical style kitchens or on the other hand modern and kitchens with updated design.
The flexibility and the experience of our designers enable them to interpret and make real any request coming from our clients even starting by a single conception.
Modular components enable you to design catering arrangements for any kind of environment. Suffice it to mention catering areas for small structures to school, business and hospital or any other health facility canteens.
Components made of Inox steel AISI 18/10 with surfaces having a thickness equaling 1,5mm.
The front panels can be customized with paneling in several colors and materials.
The Self Service Line has been conceived for professional use in providing professional catering. Witness water-baths with or without warm cabinet to refrigerators with plane or sink, with and without refrigerated areas. We provide refrigerated set of windows and base components to be used as work planes or for the exhibition of dishes.
Se vuoi saperne di più sui nostri prodotti o richiedere un preventivo
Siamo un’azienda con 25 anni di esperienza in impianti e arredamenti in acciaio inox. Seguiamo con professionalità tutte le fasi del progetto puntando sempre all’eco-sostenibilità.
Via Dell’Artigianato, 64
Musile di Piave (VE) 30024
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